Saturday, August 28, 2010

day 5 of 100

Finally I'm all caught up..This is great because I still have some more reading to do, but this time for chem. That is by far my most challenging class this semester but so far it seems pretty cool. Just one week in and Iv already been able to make a connection. Ill elaborate. 
About a month ago when I was researching the raw food diet I came across an article arguing for choosing organics over standard products. They gave many reasons like organics have been proven to contain more vitamins & minerals than non-organics, but they also talked about the use of pesticides and their effect on the environment. We wont get into the whole explanation here but as a supporting fact they stated that even polar bear cubs are being born with over 200 toxins that don't occur in their system naturally. I walked away with the feeling that we had been so careless in our use of chemicals for pesticides, war, transport, building, ect that we had contaminated the whole earth...even it's purest most remote locations. I thought that was pretty sad.
Then I was in chemistry class the other day and we were discussing matter (it's week 1) and an example the professor talked about pesticides. She explained how some of the chemical compounds in pesticides are very volatile. When the crop duster drops the pesticides  it doesn't all make it to the ground. We end up with what is called the grasshopper effect. Some of the chemicals bounce off the crops then get carried up in the air and end up in other places. This can be spread over many miles this way and stay for many many many years, in an even slower process it can travel through the soil and into our water supply (but thats another story).  So back to the polar bears, the chemicals that get carried up in the air can eventually end up all the way in the atmosphere. Once there the atmosphere begins to pull all the toxins towards its cooler regions. Particles and things caught up in the atmosphere travel rather quickly, it can take about 1 year and 1/2 for them to travel around the earth once in the atmosphere. 
So now I understand that it is not that we are so contaminated that even these beautiful remote locations are full of toxic chemicals but that these regions by natural design are more susceptible to this kind of pollution. Once the chemicals are in the atmosphere above the polar regions (or anywhere really) they are released in the form of rain or as gases in the air. Now we can find polar bears, fish, and Inuit people with high traces of chemicals which are found in many of the products we use. It is sad because those most at risk are babies, both human and otherwise. 
I'm not sure about you but I found the truth to be just as sad as when I didn't quite understand the facts. The difference is that I found it to be greatly disturbing. These people living in the remote locations are paying the price for our commodities. They have been exceptional stewards of their environment yet they are losing it because of a group of people who just don't get the gravity of the situation. 

Ooops I went on forever and I haven't posted my food intake, here it is:

AM Weight: 153.0

* coffee
* strawberries
* grapes
* 2 bananas
* goji berries
* raw pesto on carrot and cabbage (pasta), flax seeds, olive oil, & broccoli, tomato, & mushrooms marinated in cold pressed olive oil, sea salt, fresh ground pepper
* tamarind with lemon juice and dehydrated chili powder
* small salad mixed greens, lemon juice, sea salt & fresh ground pepper

That's it...All caught up...yay!!!!!, now back to reading

oh I almost forgot, a friend found a super cheap dehydrator for me and I'm picking it up later. I'm super excited about that, lets see how well it works for the price.

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