Tuesday, August 24, 2010


So last month I discovered raw foods. What is a  raw foods diet you say.....Well basically it means eating only clean, mostly organic, unprocessed, fruits, vegetables, seeds, sprouts, and nuts that have never been heated above 115*f. Why would someone limit themselves this way, you ask....Raw foodist choose to eat this way because it is known that cooking foods kills off enzymes and nutrients found in raw foods. Aside from that most foods in their natural state have an alkaline effect once digested, while cooked foods are acidic in the  body. Believe it or not lemons are not acidic once you digest them. For optimal health the body needs to be slightly alkaline, so obviously eating foods that are alkaline forming helps achieve this balance.
I started adding raw foods to my diet a month ago. I am not 100% raw, but this past month I have been eating between 50-95% raw foods every day. At some point during week 2 I told my mom, "I never knew how awful I felt until I felt better"..It is pretty quite sad that we are so used to feeling bloated and uncomfortable that we consider it normal.
Raw foods is not all or nothing.....If you feel like this might be too much for you, maybe consider adding more raw fruits and veggies to your diet everyday. I'm sure that your body will thank you for all the added enzymes, nutrients and minerals. There is tons of info on eating raw foods online. Here is some inspiration for you guys...many celebrities have begun to dabble in raw foods because on top of helping you feel better and full of energy it helps you to look and feel younger. A couple celebs on raw foods are Demi Moore and Jared Leto. See both hot and both seem to be untouched by time.

Give it a try...I just joined a group doing a 100 Days 100% raw challenge. Im not doing 100% just high raw, but thats ok. I'll be posting about it here, watch how this changes my body as we go.

p.s. here are some places i found information and support if you are interested in raw foods check it out....

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