Wednesday, August 25, 2010

day 2 of 100

O.k. so, my original intentions were to post each morning for the day before but with the semester just starting things have been a bit complicated. For now Im just going to focus on getting each day posted, later I can worry about doing it in a timely manor. Im sorry for anyone trying to follow this....I will get better....I promise

Here's what I had for day 2......I was still having some trouble getting food down, but I did the best I could. I do not suggest that anyone eat such a small amount while on raw or any other diet.....Normally I would have snacks in between & maybe another smoothie........

AM Weight: 154.0
* coffee 
* (red) green smoothie: kale, beet slices, carrot with greens, banana, grapes, & strawberries
* huge salad: swiss chard, arugula, baby spinach, mache blend (mixed greens), jicama, tomatoes, avocado, raw pepita, raw sunflower seeds, raw hemp seeds, mushrooms, & broccoli sprouts
* cooked pinto beans and i mixed in some raw broccoli sprouts, tomato, avocado, & salsa 

As you can see, I again strayed from all raw. I was caught with no food and the mix I made for dinner was the best I could do. I think this is a great opportunity to say that as far as I can see, It is much better to eat clean cooked "whole" foods, than miss out on nutrition for the sake of staying true to raw. Needless to say it is better to eat clean cooked "whole" foods than to eat SAD (standard american diet) foods. 
If anyone out there is wondering what I mean by "whole", basically anything that is natural and not processed. Just think, no fast food, no tv dinners (not even the "health" ones), and for sure nothing in a can.  We would all do a great service to ourselves if we could learn to eliminate processed foods and preservatives from our diets. 

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